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Selling your house in the Charente: a complete service for owner-sellers

Our commitment: a successful sale!

Whether you’re close to the office or selling your property in the Charente while you are abroad, take advantage of the expertise of the ANB Immobilier real estate agency. They know how to sell a house in France quickly and in the best conditions.

Above all, our service includes consultation, information and explanation. Your wishes, your requirements, the obligations towards the seller, our obligations: in all transparency we guide you to sell your property in the best possible way.

Last but not least, we will provide you with tips and tricks to make your property attractive to the buyer and take quality photos for the promotion of your property.

An accurate estimate based on local market knowledge

With more than 20 years of experience in real estate in the Charente, Dordogne and Limousin, ANB Immobilier makes an accurate estimate. When we make an estimate, this is not a simple area calculation!

We look at the strengths of your property, the quality of materials, the location, the surface and the layout. Our estimate is based on many factors. ANB Immobilier calculates the best and fair selling price based on other properties sold in your area and the state of the current market.

Sell my property in France exclusively, what are the benefits?

Being visible on the market

It is sometimes mistakenly thought that offering a house for sale by various real estate agents increases the visibility of the sale. But choosing a single agency improves your chances of selling your house quickly.

At ANB Immobilier we offer you the exclusive sales mandate: a showcase, an advertisement on our website and on recognized real estate sites, a professional photo report to bring your property to the attention of buyers. We use all possible promotion tools to sell your house.

Moreover, a property that is on many sites and that is for sale at many agencies loses its attractiveness to the buyer.

Making it easier to sell your house

A single contact person, entirely dedicated to the sale of your property, is the advantage of choosing to sell your property exclusively at our agency. We regularly inform you about the number of visits, the actions that have been set up for the sale, the progress of the sale and the number of potential interested buyers.

Selling your house at the best price

If you choose to put your house or apartment on the market under an exclusive mandate through our agency, you help keep the sale consistent for buyers. Only one agency = one price displayed.

Moreover, a house that is offered for sale in different agencies will spread a bad message: Is there an urgency to sell? Is it very difficult to sell?

Full guidance in selling your house in France

  • Obligations for the seller
    • Diagnostics (energy report, termites etc.)
    • To organize the control of the septic tank
  • Obligations for our real estate agents
    • Give advice to make the property attractive to the buyer
    • Update / follow up
    • Knowledge of the local market
  • Recherche

    0 € à 4 000 000 €

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